The brief set by the client was to adapt the existing house such that it met the needs of the family while retaining the sense of the original house. The house had been little changed since built in the 1940's and retained much of the fine qualities of its dintinctive materiality, particularly in terms of the brick and timber window frames. The immediate neighbourhood is very much chracterised by this sensibility. Thus the design respected to a great extent the form and materials to the front, while responding to the southern orientation to the rear, opening up with large glazed areas and a much more contemporary use of forms and materials. The materials are slightly changed, but are detailed in repsonse to the existing - white mortar is used in the brickwork even though the brick is a modern one, timber windows finished to show the timber rather than painted. The main living dining kitchen space to the rear has a pyramidal roof, which is expressed internally as well as externally. The stairs has been remade, to form a space at the centre of the house which relates to all the other spaces of the house, and is lined in brick to form a 'public' room both inside and outside simultaneously.


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